Wednesday, October 10, 2007

"Day 2" Emily Dickinson
DYING "And then the windows failed and then I could not see to see" This shows how when your dying and your eyelids close its all over. There is no light at the end of a tunnel (heaven). This also reflects on how Emily Dickinson isn't religious.

"Demur,--you're straightway dangerous, And handled with a chain". People fear things different and usually chain them or lock them up not letting the new (thing) thrive.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Emilly Dickinson does not seem like a transendentalist to me do to the fact that she just relates everything to things she's done and seen. She also uses short bullet poem writing format and not the regular long sentances.
"A simple black veil, such as any woman might wear on her bonnet, should become such a terrible thing on Mr. Hooper's face!" The people realize that the veil should not be terifying but it is. The thing symboles death and to have someone always wear it makes it feel like deaths always arowned. People also fear what is strange and unknown to them.

"Our parson has gone mad!" this was said by a man after first seeing the black vail. Not used to seeing the other man with it on and not seeing his face put fear into the other mans heart. He couldent even comprehend what it ment. If he did understand it might have surrounded him with fear for something he has done and does not want to admit.
"SONG OF MYSELF" by Walt Whitman
"The young sister holds out the skein while the elder sister winds it off in a ball, and stops now and then for the knots"; This seem's to be pointing out the unity of family and siblings. For the most part familys usually get along well. In some cases though they argue (knots) but then they get over it and now matter what familly is familly.

"The young fellow drives the express wagon (I love him yet I dont even know him)". This could be multiple things; Whitman might be saying he likes the express wagon driver for all the good he does for the community and low pay. Another case would be Whitman may be gay and fantizize about this person and is afraid to admit the truth. There is no clear way of translating this.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Topic number 3 is my choice.

"Look closely at either “Young Goodman Brown” or “The Minister’s Black Veil” and identify the dominant tone (the author’s attitude) of the short story. Then set about answering how Hawthorne goes about achieving this tone. When writing this paper, you may find it helpful to discuss literary devices and techniques such as foreshadowing, irony, figurative language, narrative pace, etc. Please include a number of quotations to back up your answer."

Thursday, October 4, 2007

SING OF MYSELF By Walt Whitman.
"I CELEBRATE myself, and sing myself". This shows independence and that he is celebrating life.

"I loaf and Invite my soul", he sometimes feels the heavinesses and pain all humans do but without his soul he would be nothing. Your soul makes you who you are without it your nothing. He might want to change himself in some ways but would never abandon his soul.
I Hear America Singing By Walt Whitman:
"The mason singing his, as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work". This is one of many things he said in this writing. It shows that the sound of American workers, is in fact there work not the people singing and that is the song of America. The common people working hard to better themselves.